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Proverbs 12:15 NIV

By March 12, 2023No Comments

“The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.” 

Solomon wants us to know that it is one thing to seek counsel but entirely another to act on it. Over the decades much of my ministry has included counsel and advise for others on how to follow Jesus as well as other areas of Godly living. Early in my ministry I took it very personally when the person would ignore my counsel. Over time I came to realize two things. 1. My counsel was not always the best and, 2. Even when it was it was not my responsibility to see that they followed it. Godly advice can be a difficult thing to find when we are young. Over time as we spend more time in scripture we become better at discerning the kingdom voices around us. We can focus in on them and start to hear what genuine wise counsel sounds like. Once we know those sources it is imperative that we hang onto them and respect them. The way we display that respect is by not only listening but adhering to their counsel. Today ask God to identify those voices in your story and live out their biblical counsel. #BeTheEdge

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me.” Jesus

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