“Truthful lips endure forever, but a lying tongue lasts only a moment.”
The Hebrew phrase “Only a moment” is better reflected in English as “in the blink of an eye.” In other words in this context lies have a very short life span. I recently read where a person wrote truth is invincible, consistent , enduring. It cannot be conquered. Lying never provides the answer. It might provide a short term answer but it doesn’t endure. Truth will always win out. Lies can be so hurtful and destructive that we might actually believe they will endure. There is no doubt that they can cause long term damage. However, when confronted by truth even the damage can be mitigated. Jesus called Himself “The Truth”. Satan is know as “the father of lies”. Which team we choose should not be difficult. But our fallen nature makes it a constant challenge and cause to always be on guard against the temptation to be less than truthful. Today speak truth. #BeTheEdge
“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.” Psalms 145:18 NIV