“In the way of righteousness there is life; along that path is immortality.”
J. Smith Lanier, Yetta Sanford, Winston Smith T, Albert Killian, the list goes on. These are all men who continue to offer me life giving counsel. By the way, they have all moved on from this planet to heaven. Solomon reminds us that the righteous will live with God in heaven forever and their influence lives on through those their lives impacted on earth long after they are gone. When we consider the impact our lives have on others today it should influence how we choose to live today. When we consider our impact on others tomorrow’s and their eternity’s it should not just impact how we choose to live, it should impact who we choose to be everyday. Interestingly, in Solomon’s day they could only speak hopefully about an eternal life. It was with faith in a coming redeemer. We don’t just look hopefully to Jesus, we have the assurance of His resurrection and promises. We can live with confidence of the promised immortality awaiting His followers. Not just of reputation but of our eternal soul. Today walk in that confidence and don’t live with just today in mind. #BeTheEdge
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 NIV