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“… for receiving instruction in prudent behavior, doing what is right and just and fair;” Proverbs 1:3 NIV


I have a challenge for you. Actually a few challenges. We have been sharing a verse every day from that day’s chapter in Proverbs for many years now. Reading a chapter from Proverbs every day for years has changed my life. It would be impossible for it not to. Sharing it with others and that accountability and random conversations that has led to has been even more life changing. One person I know decided years ago to share it with 50 people and have them each share it with 50 people. Eventually he watched as it circled back around from someone down line inviting him to join his group receiving the daily devotion. Today is a great day to look through your contacts and see who might be encouraged by knowing you care enough about them to include them in your daily journey. Over the years I have been able to include not only my own children but my grandkids as they hit their teen years and started using iPhones. This is the go-to book for a New Year filled with new challenges and opportunities. This first chapter lays out the purpose of engaging in God’s Wisdom. Why not help change your piece of the planet by sharing these insights. Many cut and paste the text or email and forward it. The app (The Edge Daily) has a share button that allows texting it as well as posting each day on social media. Today, spread God’s wisdom and watch Him work. #BeTheEdge.  From ‘The Edge Daily’ app. Get it now!


“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:15 NIV

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