“Since they would not accept my advice and spurned my rebuke,”
As a parent you have probably felt this way at some point. If you have ever parented a teenager I’m going to guess you have definitely felt this way. It can be similar to the way God often sees His wisdom rejected and mocked. Solomon describes this experience in this chapter and verse. To miss God’s wisdom and counsel we must intentionally ignore it. He offers it clearly to everyone. Bible ref tells us, “Solomon has described wisdom as a woman in a crowded, public place, shouting out for everyone to hear. The only way to avoid hearing her words is to purposefully ignore them.” The consequences of ignoring Him is death. Thats harsh but the one who ignores Him chooses it. Barnes is clear that this particular verse was not randomly or haphazardly included in this chapter. No one is at fault for this behavior other than the guilty one. The opposite of this is the truth that accepting God’s counsel and learning from His rebukes produces life. It is part of the pruning process we read about in John 15. As a result we not only live but we grow and flourish. Today learn from God’s love and correction and truly live. #BeTheEdge
“because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Hebrews 12:6 NIV