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Proverbs 13:25 NIV

By November 13, 2021No Comments

“The righteous eat to their hearts’ content, but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.” 

Thanksgiving is only a couple weeks away. A number of years ago I was speaking to a group of high school,students in a low income area. I asked the question, “what do you look forward to most at Thanksgiving?” The most common answer was being out of school with a few “seeing my family” thrown in. Then I asked what food was their favorite at thanksgiving. It was strongly quiet. A couple said turkey, a few added some random items. I moved into my talk about living a thankful life. Later the teacher who sponsored the club took me aside and apologized for the lack of discussion. He then went on to explain that most of these kids would eat whatever their grandma, or whoever they were staying with, got from the food bank. The ones who had a more conventional thanksgiving would not talk about it out of sensitivity to their classmates circumstances. Wow! Lesson learned. I approached those situations with a deeper level of awareness from that point forward. When Solomon shares about the righteous eating to their hearts content he is not encouraging gluttony. His point is that Christ followers living rightly learn to be content with moderation. Today find contentment in “enough” and look for ways to share. #BeTheEdge

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink…” Jesus

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