“Whoever fears the Lord walks uprightly, but those who despise him are devious in their ways.”
Hey Solomon, how about something in the middle? Maybe not completely upright, but also not despising Him. One of the truly helpful things about God’s Word is that it doesn’t leave much room for gray areas. This isn’t to say that when we stumble and sin, we are devious or despise Him. But it does expect a total commitment to Him that acknowledges who we represent and why. He is a God deserving of respect and awe. When we see Him for who He really is, it has a purifying effect on our lives. When we know not only who He is, but also what He has done, it becomes impossible to walk in a way that cheapens that. If we can comfortably walk away from Him, then we find ourselves in the realm of the devious. We act as someone who despises Him. How else can we explain seeing the price He paid and the blessings and grace He offers, yet ignoring it? Like those who scourged Him and spit in His face, we have hearts bent toward the same. Is there any gray in God? No. He is all light—so pure that it makes every source of light we’ve ever experienced seem dim. He is holy, righteous, pure, and perfect. We either reverence Him or despise the exposure. There is no in-between. Today, walk in awe of Him. #BeTheEdge
“…who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17b NIV