“Whoever oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”
We all know how there was“no room in the Inn.”Granted, if the Innkeeper had any idea Who was about to be born, he would have given up his own room. But he didn’t, and he didn’t. I do want to recognize that we have no idea how many, if any, other places had turned them away. At least this guy found them a warm, dry, relatively safe place to set up home for the night and a few days beyond. The other question I have to ask myself is, what would I have done? More importantly, I need to look at who walks into my life today that represents an opportunity to either ignore or respond to. You see, there certainly are needs all around us, but there are also very specific needs set before me giving me the chance to see my Savior “in the moment.” Scripture makes it abundantly clear that when we are helping others, it is as if we are helping our Lord. We are also reminded that at times we can be interacting with angels without knowing it. Finally, we are shown how to respond in the story of the Good Samaritan. The other day, one of “The Edge” business CEOs called and asked me what organizations are feeding the hungry in our area. He wanted to donate their year-end gift money to that cause rather than give gift boxes to other millionaires. Today, be “The Edge” in the lives of those who need your compassion. #BeTheEdge
“…Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Jesus