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Proverbs 14:35 NIV

By June 29, 2024No Comments

“A king delights in a wise servant, but a shameful servant arouses his fury.”

In their commentary on this verse ‘Let God Be True’ is pretty blunt about Solomon’s meaning. They say, “The difference between successful men and losers is the degree to which they are wise or foolish.” Straight forward and true. If you are offended by use of the word ‘loser’ I would suggest it’s no worse than ‘shameful servant’. I have watched Solomon’s point play out both ways. I’ve seen people who were not doing their job well and undermining the efforts and mission of the organization allowed to stay in place only to damage the results of the rest of the team. I’ve also watched Godly leaders dismiss those same type of staff quickly and even though it created a bit of chaos God blessed and continues to use the organization. He has no patience for the shameful and certainly there is no place in leadership for them within a healthy ministry or business. God operates by this principle as well. He is delighted by His followers who walk in His wisdom yet disgusted by those who behave shamefully and against His plan. Today live wisely and delight your Heavenly Father. #BeTheEdge

“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise,” Ephesians‬ ‭5‬:‭15‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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