“The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day.”
I was having lunch with some guys the other day. The conversation turned to knowing God’s will. That is a huge topic with equally huge implications for all areas of life. This particular group was dealing with job options and roles in organizations. There can be a great bit of uncertainty and even fear in the possibility of choosing wrong and missing God’s plan. As I listened to these men discuss their options and how they were going about the process of deciding I was struck by the level of spiritual maturity and their desire to know and follow God’s plan. Solomon is referring to God being the source of great light for His followers. Satan is darkness and his goal is to keep everyone in darkness. He cannot do that to God’s children no matter how hard he tries. As we walk on God’s path He sheds light on every step. Bright light. If we are walking with God and truly desire His will we cannot miss it. He will not let us. He is big enough to hold every door shut He wants shut no matter how hard we push and He holds every door open He wants open even if we try to close it. He wants us in the center of His will even more than we want to be there. And He is able to make that happen. Today walk in His light and enjoy the ride. #BeTheEdge
“This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all.” 1 John 1:5 NIV