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Proverbs 16:18 NIV

By June 16, 2023No Comments

“Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” 

This is one of the top ten most quoted Proverbs. Arrogance sets a person up for disaster. It is a very rare situation, if ever, that an arrogant or haughty person is worthy of the level of arrogance or pride they seem to believe they deserve. Whatever level of talent or ability one may possess they will still fall short of the possible and well short of the one who gifted them with their talents and gifts. It is imperative that we realize that none of us are responsible for the foundation that gives us the ability to grow, learn and develop in our areas of proficiency. Were it not for God’s creative and creation power none of us would exist let alone have the ability to perform and produce. There have always been athletes that will cause us to marvel. The ones worth marveling at are those who recognize the source of their athletic prowess. The ones who become a bore are those who seem to believe they are a singular gift to the planet by their own doing. The humble with their eyes straight ahead avoid many pitfalls. Those with their nose in the are stumble at the unseen traps we all encounter in life. Scripture tells us that Jesus humbled Himself. We should follow that model. Today humble yourself and allow God to chose when to lift you up. #BeTheEdge

“God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.” 1 Peter‬ ‭5‬:‭5‬b NIV‬‬

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