“One who has no sense shakes hands in pledge and puts up security for a neighbor.”
The word translated sense is actually better translated heart. Therefore it would read one who has no heart. How often in life have we heard “he has no heart” or maybe “their heart isn’t in it”? Here it basically means they act without thinking or they or acting beyond the most minimal thinking. More than once Solomon warns that we end up with someone else owning us, at least a form of servitude, because of a willingness to sell ourselves for very little. Not necessarily the past concept of slavery but we are under their control because of some indebtedness none the less. It doesn’t take much to get the lost and hurting to surrender their life to another when they live from pleasure to pleasure. When we don’t count the cost ahead of time we are likely to giving our best away very cheaply and end up living out the remainder of our future in debt and regret. Because Jesus paid the ultimate price for us we are now free to let Him intervene and redeem our future. We don’t need to sell it again. We just need to accept the price that has already been paid. We were bought with the greatest price that could ever be paid, don’t waste that incredible gift by returning to an ugly slavery for a quick fix and empty future. Today live as one bought and set free#BeTheEdge
“you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.” 1 Corinthians 6:20 NIV