“When wickedness comes, so does contempt, and with shame comes reproach.”
Interestingly this passage is not written about the wicked bringing contempt, shame and reproach on themselves. No doubt Solomon makes that case in other places but in this verse he is making the point that those around the wicked person have those responses brought on them. When we make a habit of hanging out with the wicked we have the contempt, shame and reproach taint our witness. We have all seen this. I have been surprised to discover certain people claim a relationship after witnessing their crowd are as heathen as possible. I believe those of us who walk with the Lord should have friendships with those who don’t. We are called to. But, those who only walk with the truly wicked will have a very difficult time living the life Christ calls them to. The old saying is that when two dogs are in a fight the one who wins will be the one you feed. We have our saved nature at battle with our old lost nature and like in the dog fight the one that wins the battle will be the one we feed. We do that through time in The Word, walking with fellow believers in accountability, involvement in gathering together with other believers and the other disciplines of the faith. I have non Christian friends I love like family. I probably laugh as much with them as I do with anyone other than my grandkids. However, I need my fellow followers to keep me focused on the eternal and the source of that life. Today enjoy and build relationships with those who need to see Jesus in you but invest for eternity in those who will be with you in eternity. #BeTheEdge
“Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV