“The name of the LORD is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10 NASB
I’m a huge C S Lewis fan. Mere Christianity, Surprised by Joy, The Screwtape Letters and many more are powerful classics with deep wells of truth. With all those great books of profound thoughts I think my favorite Lewis work is still the series, “The Chronicles of Narnia.” I remember reading these to my children when they were little and me not wanting to stop when they were ready to go play or go to sleep. The fantasy was flawless and brought incredibly vivid images to the mind. One concept I saw played out continuously was the step of faith into the unknown with a great payoff. In the same way it truly does take incredible strength to run to the invisible for protection and power in times of struggle. Solomon tells us “The name of the Lord” is a strong tower. The phrase literally means The Lord. Have you seen Jesus? There are great symbolic answers to that question. A sunset, the face of a child, the power of a storm, but truly we must ultimately see Him through eyes of faith. The truly brave and righteous warrior of God runs to Him in bold faith during times of trouble, and He is there. Today, you are brave, you are fierce, you are strong, and we see it as you run to your great Protector…the Lord of all. #BeTheEdge