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Proverbs 18:16 NIV

By April 18, 2023No Comments

“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.”

Here is a phrase:’judicious liberality’. That is the translation of the word rendered ‘a gift’ in this verse. It essentially means using good judgment or sense in giving or spending freely. I like that description and who doesn’t like being one of those people. We also like to be around those people. I know a number of business leaders who represent this concept. Early theologians struggled with the idea that this was talking about bribes to gain access or influence with important people. That idea has been almost universally discarded by theologians now. It is more seen as a reference to how generosity tends to create an atmosphere of kindness and a kind of financial freedom. The model is God who clearly tells us He loves a cheerful giver and who also gives freely to those who ask in His name. That type of generosity tends to be noted and influencers or community leaders become aware of them and when they realize they are not being generous for their own glory they seek to include them in their circles. That gets them to places to further make an impact for God and His Kingdom. Today reflect the kind generosity of your heavenly Father. #BeTheEdge

“I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings.” Jesus

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