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Proverbs 17:16 NIV

By April 17, 2023No Comments

“Why should fools have money in hand to buy wisdom, when they are not able to understand it?”

Living in a college town I have witnessed a number of students, I use that term loosely, who’s parents invest a lot of money to get them an education that is obviously a waste of their resources. It is not always that they are incapable of learning. It is just the foolish lifestyle they pursue while failing classes. It is almost a joke about the students on the 5, 6, 7 year plan. In the movie Tommy Boy one character jokes that those students usually end up being called Doctor. God is not a fan of fools regardless of the arena. Even worse this individual does not have the desire for wisdom. I’ve also seen this in college students. We can see a situation not unlike the one in this verse in Acts as Peter and John deal with Simon the sorcerer. In that chapter the sorcerer Simon tries to purchase the power of the Holy Spirit. He gets a very stern rebuke from the Apostles. He obviously valued the outward gifts they exhibited with no interest in the inward transformation God requires and provides. He saw money in being able to sell what the Apostles had. Thankfully, to those with a real desire for God and His Wisdom and gifts they are free. As C. S. Lewis said “God offers something for nothing. He even offers everything for nothing.” That’s the beautiful picture, those who offer to pay can’t get it but those who freely accept it do. Today live in the beauty of His free gifts. #BeTheEdge

“For the wages of sin death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 NIV

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