“The words of a gossip are like choice morsels; they go down to the inmost parts.”
There is a lot more to this verse than at first glance. The original language paints a picture of someone drawing close and whispering lies and slander about someone else. We also see those tasty or dainty morsels as delicate untruths that work on the hearer as poison. It accumulates deep in the hearers soul to later be called upon from their own dark depths. As you can see there is nothing positive or attractive about this person. They basically are spreading poison and making all those they whisper to as sick as they are. I’ve been a subject of these types of whispers. You probably have as well. It’s painful but in reality it’s not as painful as the accumulation of poison in the soul of the whisperer and their hearer. The key is when approached by a person you know is whispering, as delicious as the gossip may seem, flee. Yep run away. If not physically at least with your ears. Shut down the gossip. If possible speak a word of caution but most likely they are committed to their task. So leaving is your next option. No one forces us to participate in gossip. It is a choice. By the way, dressing it up as a prayer request or sympathy is not an acceptable alternative. It’s all gossip and God hates it. Today refuse to be a part of spreading the deadly poison of Gossip. #BeTheEdge
“For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech.” 1 Peter 3:10 NIV