“One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.”
As some of you read this I am at Emory University Hospital in surgery getting my ankle repaired. It’s needed it for 30 years. I assure you that the team who studied my condition, argued over options and ultimately decided unanimously on the approach is one of the best in the world. The old joke is what do you call the person who graduated last in their medical class? Doctor. While true I must admit that I’m comforted knowing that that most certainly does not describe anyone in this team. I came to Emory for a reason. Being only about an hour from home and it’s world wide reputation for excellence assured me I would not have anyone who was “slack in their work”. When given the choice we all want to deal with people who are excellent in their work and effort. We have all heard stories of people getting things they wanted improved or fixed back in worse condition then they left them. We are called to do everything with excellence. To settle for anything less reflects poorly on us, our company and the God we represent. At times I have been disappointed by what some Christians excuse as adequate simply because they think their faith exempts them from the level of excellence the world demands. Today let the world see the reflection of His excellence shine through your effort and if you whisper a prayer for my excellent surgeon that would also be appreciated. #BeTheEdge
“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” Colossians 3:23 NIV