“Listen to advice and accept discipline, and at the end you will be counted among the wise.”
A good friend told me this week that based on his personal experience pain brings the greatest lessons God wants to teach us. For that pain not to be wasted though we need to allow advice, correction and even discipline to come from honest brothers and sisters in Christ who bring wisdom to our pain. It’s not fun or easy. I have found the closer we are to both Jesus and our wise friend the less painful their wisdom is. I have also seen some walk away from the wisdom being offered and therefore suffering the pain without growing in wisdom. What a tragedy that is. My goal is to never waste the pain. First because I want to grow in the wisdom God offers and second because I don’t want to have to walk through it again. Both very selfish but legitimate. As my wife went through her cancer battle I remember her once telling me that she can’t believe someone would miss out on the intimacy with God because they were afraid of the pain. I didn’t really get it then…but I wanted to. I do a bit more now. Today learn from God as He offers wisdom. #BeTheEdge
“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” Romans 8:18 NIV