“A false witness will not go unpunished, and whoever pours out lies will perish.” Proverbs 19:9 NIV
So, while reading today’s proverb I thought I had lost my place and was rereading what I had already read. You see, verse five says almost the exact same thing. As a matter of fact, it is identical except for the last three words, ‘not go free.’ This truth is carried throughout Proverbs. You might say it is one of Solomon’s overarching themes. God hates lies. Originally this verse was most likely referring to testimony in court. For us it goes there but way beyond. My witness, your witness, how we speak for and more importantly how we live for Christ reflects on who He is or at least who we claim He is. In the early first century, shortly after Jesus rose and launched the church, we see that the local community in Antioch saw the members of this young movement going around loving people and living lives filled with power. They also heard about the one named Jesus The Christ who left an overwhelming imprint on the planet. The members of this movement so resembled what they knew and heard about Jesus that they decided to give them a nickname that reflected this connection. They called them ‘Little Christ’s’ or ’Christians’. When our testimony rings so true that we resemble the Savior we serve, and when we are indistinguishable from as His Spirit moves in and through us, then we will not only not be punished or perish – we will flourish and live forever. Today, check your witness and let the world see Jesus in you. #BeTheEdge
“The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” Acts 11:26b NIV