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Proverbs 20:27 NIV

By March 20, 2024No Comments

“The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being.”

In Matthew Jesus tells His followers, of which we are now included, that they are the light of the world. Pretty cool that Solomon shares the same basic truth thousands of years before that. Jesus goes on to tell us that our light reveals God to those who see His works in and through us. God is aware of everything in us to our very core. His light illuminates our hopes, our dreams, our desires, our very soul. Nothing is hidden from Him and He reveals Himself in us to those that watch Him work in us and with us and through us. In this passage our spirit is literally “the candle of the Lord”. It is placed in us at creation and quickened at rebirth by the Holy Spirit. It serves as an inward light and guide. It shows us our sin and our places obedience equally. Without it we are prone to confuse the two. That is the condition of the lost. They do not see clearly because their hearts are dark and although they believe they know right from wrong they cannot see. Gods light is a powerful gift to His children. Today walk in His light. #BeTheEdge

“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Jesus

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