“Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and nagging wife.”
If you have ever lived in a home with bickering and fighting you can begin to understand what Solomon is talking about in his verse. A few verses ago he talked about living on the corner of a roof to escape a quarrelsome spouse. Here he takes us to the desert. Unlike the corner of the roof, which is a contained area. He has now said it’s even better to get to a spread out wide-open place. Obviously, a quarrelsome spouse is a heavy burden to live under. Broken relationships always wear heavy on the heart of a person who loves God. The narcissist may not understand, but all the rest of us do. The pain in this illustration is even more difficult than living by ourselves. A place where there is no one near, no one to interact with, no one to love is a very empty place. Sometimes walking away from and maybe even hiding out from continuous people can be an OK solution. More often learning how to confront those contentious people in truth and love is very important. We will not have families at peace or communities of peace, until we learn how to wrestle through conflict together. The husband and wife model is without a doubt at the heart of where we both suffer and celebrate as we walk through conflict. Today be an instrument of peace and joy in your home. #BeTheEdge
“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Romans 12:18 NIV