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Proverbs 2:18 NIV

“Surely her house leads down to death and her paths to the spirits of the dead.”

Have you ever come up on a dead animal carcass? I know that’s not a particularly pleasant thought to start the day. I sort of live in the country. Occasionally there will be an animal that was hit by a car or wounded by a hunter that made it onto my property or close by and died. After lying there for a few days in the hot sun it becomes pungent. The scent is overwhelming and putrid. This sexual behavior Solomon talks about leads to death. The place of sexual immorality and the path that leads to it both reek of the nasty scent of death and dying. Every bit as much as that dead animal this sin brings decay and nasty rot inside our soul. Our appetites, all of them, set us up for sin. Some of them are clearly deadly sins. Sin can cause physical death. More importantly it leads to spiritual death. Eternal death. For the lost and, for the believer, death of our fellowship with God until we repent and reconcile with Him. It is easy to believe that secret sin stays hidden. It can…for a while. But willful sin that is treasured and played with will find its way to the surface. It will stink. Physically it is etched into the face of the sinner. Today avoid the stench and live in the clean fresh light of God. #BeTheEdge

“But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.”Numbers‬ ‭32‬:‭23‬ ‭NIV

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