“Do not be one who shakes hands in pledge or puts up security for debts;”
One of the truths in this verse is about God’s plan for us to live within our means. Many believers become controlled by a very real need to service their debt. It is our responsibility to take care of the debts we accrue. The best time to control them is before we acquire them. Knowing our income and expenses and living within the parameters they come with is a key to avoiding a debt that has the ability to crush and controls us. Perhaps the bigger point in this verse is that we should be very cautious about lending money as believers. Christian friends have done this for us at times and been a major blessing in my families journey. But we need to be cautious of the risk and only assume risks we can manage if the worst case scenario occurs. Don’t do it rashly or unnecessarily. As with everything we do as a servant of God, seek His guidance and look for those opportunities to bless and represent His love and kindness. His love and kindness being key. Is His glory the goal? As we’ve said before, everything we have comes from Him and we simply steward it for Him. As with any action we take we ask will He be pleased and glorified. If the answer is yes and we can do it without risking our kids and loved ones it may very well be the right thing to do. Avoid putting yourself in a place where you will have to serve another because of the debt. That is never ok. We only serve God. Today, as in all things, follow God’s leading and serve the King. #BeTheEdge #LoveJesusBeKind
“Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.” 1 Timothy 6:18 NIV