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Proverbs 22:28 NIV

By April 22, 2024No Comments

“Do not move an ancient boundary stone set up by your ancestors.” ‬‬

I’ve been looking at articles talking about shifting morals and values. They refer to how beliefs and values change as people age. They also talk about shifting morals as we discover more in science and other disciplines. I suppose some things change as children mature although I’m not sure that’s entirely valid, but I would not necessarily argue the point. What I am sure of is that the God we serve has been declared the same yesterday, today and forever. What I am sure of is the 10 Commandments are still the 10 Commandments no matter how much society may want to change them or downgrade them to 10 suggestions (Ted Koppel). What I am sure of is the things Jesus modeled and taught are no different than they were 2000 years ago. Sure, we have discovered new things and have valid questions related to our intent and our interaction with them. But, we serve God who is not “shifting sand“. Satan would desperately like it if we “achieved” a society and culture where anything goes, there is no right or wrong and if you feel it’s OK then it’s OK. That society is not available in the kingdom of God. Live free as Jesus set you free, but do not let that Freedom, be an excuse for sin. #BeTheEdge

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews‬ ‭13‬:‭8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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