“Like a bandit she lies in wait and multiplies the unfaithful among men.”
Like any sinful behavior the one actively involved in the sin seeks to involve others in it with them. The image Solomon shares in this verses is of a seductress who has not only enticed the sinful man but uses his sin to draw others into the same pit. Her goal is the same as Satan, her father, which is to kill, steal and destroy. This truth does not just pertain to sexual sin although that may be the most prevalent today. Drugs, alcohol, criminality, gossip and any other sin is capable of enticing the weak and compromised. If that were not so it would most likely not be sin. Sin by its very nature is darkly desirable and pleasurable…for a moment. Sin has no power without that. All this is true because Satan is out to take down as many people as possible. It is not only incumbent on us to avoid sin, it is vital that we avoid those who engage proudly in it. In the same way we can use the power of persuasion to influence those in our lives toward the things of God. The fruits of the spirit are powerfully attractive and when we display them openly others can be drawn to them. That is how we are called to live. It’s the essence of being salt and light. Today chose to be a force for God’s kingdom. #BeTheEdge
“…you are slaves of the one you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?” Romans 6:16b NIV