“for an adulterous woman is a deep pit, and a wayward wife is a narrow well.”
This verse speaks to the addictive nature of sin and in this case sexual sin. In Solomon’s day it was a real life physical experience as much as a mental one. Today it can take the same form or it can find its way into a persons core through social media, online pornography or multiple other previously unknown ways. Of all the great results of the invention of the internet this is an area where Satan has taken firm control. “Pornography exists on 12% of all websites1 and is viewed by approximately 69% of American men and 40% of American women in any given year.” The industry in America made over 1 billion dollars last year. Although pornography was not around during Solomon’s time there was still an abundance of sexual sin and its destructive results. That is why so many of the Proverbs address the issue. Almost all the commenters writing about this verse talk about the difficulty in climbing out of both a narrow pit and sexual sin. It is one of Satan’s favorite and most destructive traps. As we read in the prior verse the greatest resource to avoiding this sin is to keep our eyes on the things of God. Today flee sexual temptation, sprint away from it. # BeTheEdge
“Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” 1 Corinthians 6:18 NIV