“Put your outdoor work in order and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.”
I don’t love yard work. Riding a lawn mower I enjoy but the rest, not so much. In this verse Solomon is actually giving wise counsel on the order of life. One of my favorite resources believes this passage is telling us that a persons doesn’t deserve luxury until they have worked diligently and reached a point where they achieve it. Maybe. However, I believe there is a much deeper truth here. I’m preparing to take a group of business leaders on a journey through a book that teaches about how most of us chase success throughout the first half of our career. At the point of reaching some level of it we then ponder our situation in the light or significance. Not saying the first journey was wrong but rather how do we celebrate that and pivot on its foundation to now have a life of passion for impact in the Kingdom of God. It’s an interesting and uniquely important time for each of us. Like this verse, it takes a positive look at how being excellent in our calling and career can lead to freedom to put less focus on the ladder and more on where God has now brought us to, shifting our focus and impact. Representing His call and Kingdom should always be at the forefront of our day. The ability to expand that focus comes through building a firm foundation. For Solomon it is represented in how to effectively establish the home place. Today evaluate your current situation in light of what stage of life you are in. #BeTheEdge
“As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” Ephesians 4:1 NIV