“Do not eat the food of a begrudging host, do not crave his delicacies;”
This is a really straightforward verse. Someone who feels obliged or somehow forced to accommodate or look after your needs or interests is going to be looking for payback or some kind of benefit from it. This is diametrically opposed to what scripture refers to as a “cheerful” giver. One will leave the experience resentful and possibly looking to get even while the other is blessed by the opportunity to bless you. Quite the difference. Our cravings for or desiring of someone else’s “things” can lead us into manipulating or arranging circumstances to allow us to avail ourselves to those who have those “things”. This verse clearly cautions against that. As a matter of fact it says don’t do it. Although this is a caution to the one on the receiving end it is also a caution to the host. When we offer to bless someone else we need to check our motives. We need to be sure we really mean it. It is patently unfair to someone to offer anything with selfish motives. Hospitality is a spiritual gift. I have friends who have that gift and as with any spiritual gift it is a beautiful thing to watch and experience as they operate in their gifting. Others have to work at it. That’s ok, just be aware. Today treat everyone with love, grace and respect as you represent your Master. #BeTheEdge
“Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling.” 1 Peter 4:9 NIV