“Do not envy the wicked, do not desire their company;”
I remember, as a teenager, my buddies would often refer to “that lucky guy.” It referred to someone they saw in a relationship with a beautiful and famous actress or musician. I probably agreed with that shallow perception at the time. Many years later, it is sad to see how many of those people went through painful and public breakups, not just once, but multiple times. Without judgment, I would not label them as wicked, but it is a very public glimpse into the reality of the world of the wicked. Often, they appear to win at life. Whether it’s money, power, appearance, or some other worldly value, there is often the visible look of success. What we don’t see is the ugly, twisted inner condition of those captured by sin. Satan stood in the desert and on the mountain, offering Jesus power, possessions, and control. Incidentally, as the god of this world, he had them to give. But Jesus knew the eternal emptiness of all those things. He rejected not only those things, but Satan himself. We do well to recognize the emptiness in everything apart from Jesus. All those things can be wonderful gifts when handed to us as tools for advancing the coming Kingdom of God. Today, find everything you need and desire in God alone. #BeTheEdge
“But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” Jesus