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Proverbs 24:11 NIV

By December 24, 2024No Comments

“Rescue those being led away to death; hold back those staggering toward slaughter.”

I just saw an article about prisoners being kept locked up past their release date. I don’t understand why that happens, but personally, I think it’s awful. I can only imagine the sense of excitement or anticipation that builds in a person as the release date nears. To a degree, that’s what today should be for us as followers of Christ. The planet was lost and disconnected from the God who loved us and created us for a relationship with Him. That’s why mankind was here. In His love, He gave us the unimaginable opportunity to make the decision (sorry, my Calvinist friends) to receive His great gift. He reached out and rescued us. We could not rescue ourselves. This day represents the anticipation of all creation for the coming of our rescuer. Our release date was coming, and the one to offer it was to be born this very night. Unlike the prisoners, we were unaware at the time. Now we wait—sort of—in anticipation of the amazing morning we celebrate His birth. I say “sort of” because, maybe out of necessity, we don’t quite get the opportunity to sit and reflect on what is about to happen. There are many things to do. That’s okay, and the scurry and bustle can be experienced as part of the excitement of the guest’s arrival. We prepare a place in our hearts for the newborn. Today, find a moment—maybe catch a service—to prepare your heart for the King’s arrival. #BeTheEdge

“For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,” Colossians‬ ‭1‬:‭13‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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