“Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a ruling rightly given.”
This verse is encouraging us to be sure we are speaking at the right time. Knowing the “right time” is not always easy. It starts with spirit led awareness and it also includes what we know as “reading the room”. In other words we need to study what is going on in the persons life at the time. It is often easy to know something helpful and want to blurt it out right away. Solomon is telling us that if we wait patiently and share in the right way at the right time it will be received as a beautiful gift. What a wonderful thing it is to share with a person or even a group and be so in tune with what is going on, what God is doing in their story, that it is received as though God Himself shared with them. When we are Spirit led then God is sharing with them. Conversely, what an awful feeling, even destructive moment, sharing truth when the listeners are not in the place to receive it. The most loving thing we do is not sharing truth. The most loving thing is to share truth in love. Love means we are in touch with the condition of our friends heart and life. Today speak the truth in love as a beautiful gift. #BeTheEdge
“Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.” Ephesians 4:15 NIV