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Proverbs 25:14 NIV

By February 25, 2023No Comments

“Like clouds and wind without rain is one who boasts of gifts never given.”‬‬

There are people in non- profit work who love to raise money. In my 40+ years in donor based ministry I have been through every conceivable training on how to do it. It feels as though I have been through more training on raising money than on doing the ministry. Probably not but it sure felt that way. One of the most disheartening things that would occasionally occur was when a person would commit a large gift yet it would never come. Solomon refers to this kind of experience in this verse. Satan operates this way. He once promised Jesus the world which Jesus knew was not his to give. He promises us joy, satisfaction and fulfillment all things he knows he has no ability to give and the ones he does he knows will bring the opposite. There are those who like to proclaim their relationship with and knowledge of God yet are empty of both. The old saying of under promise and over deliver works here. Don’t boast and live powerfully is even better. Today put your hope in Christ alone and you will never be disappointed. #BeTheEdge

“Not one of all the Lord’s good promises to Israel failed; every one was fulfilled.” Joshua‬ ‭21‬:‭45‬ ‭NIV‬‬

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