“Like one who grabs a stray dog by the ears is someone who rushes into a quarrel not their own.”
The older I get the more I practice this verse. I’m not always sure it’s because I’m getting wiser. Sometimes I think I’m just too tired to fight. Whatever the reason the world desperately needs to see more of God’s people operating this way. Everybody has an opinion on everything and there is something in human nature that truly believes everyone else can benefit from our view. They won’t. I just heard the person at the table next to me arguing that “kidney transplant patients can protect their new organ by skipping the pills the doctors give them and just taking mega doses of vitamins.” That advice will actually destroy their new organ. I almost spoke into their conversation but I reminded myself that no one invited my opinion into that conversation and most likely I would not be welcome. This verse doesn’t mean we are never to join in a disagreement. It means that if we do we should go with no agenda other than representing God’s love and peace and even then only when we know we are wanted. Most of the time we are to keep clear of others scraps and try not to create any of our own. Today be instruments of God’s kindness and peace. #BeTheEdge
“Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”Psalms 34:14 NIV