“is one who deceives their neighbor and says, “I was only joking!””
All of the theologians I read are pretty harsh toward the person referred to in this verse. They have no patience for a person who lies to, takes advantage of, steals from, or any number of other abuses and mistreatments, to another. Solomon certainly doesn’t. I’m pretty confident God doesn’t either. Kids often start out using this as a way out of trouble when they get caught being unkind to a sibling or someone else. It is often used to excuse bullying. In a much darker sense satan loves when we don’t take responsibility for sinful behavior toward someone else. At the heart of this verse is not the attempt to excuse bad behavior as misunderstood humor, it is rather the avoidance of responsibility for sinful actions thus losing the ability at the time to seek genuine forgiveness, repentance and reconciliation. It short circuits God’s desired outcome. Today rather than excusing wrong behavior, repent. #BTheEdge
“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” James 5:16a NIV