“Like a fluttering sparrow or a darting swallow, an undeserved curse does not come to rest.”
One of the benefits of age, whether a little or a lot, is the perspective gained from a long view. I’ve seen the reputations of good men and women unfairly attacked by people with less-than-honorable intentions. Rather than fight the rumors or blatant false accusations, they simply continued to live their lives with integrity and a focus on their God-given purpose. The attack was certainly painful and disheartening. They were seriously tempted to lash out or fight back, but they stood firm and allowed God to handle their reputation. I learned quickly that when God is in charge of your reputation, it is foolish—and a bit dangerous—to work against Him. I’ve seen those who tried to hurt others only end up hurting themselves instead. People know. Even if they don’t speak up, deep down they know the truth. Over time, the person’s reputation was restored, and often, it was never truly damaged in the first place. As Solomon describes, there was simply no place for the curse to land. Rather than battling attacks on our reputation, we walk closely with God in integrity, and He protects what He wants protected. That way, if someone chooses to attack us, they are ultimately attacking the God we serve. That’s a really bad idea. Today, walk closely with your Father. #BeTheEdge
“We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” 2 Corinthians 5:20a NIV