“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”
I have goals for both 2025 and the remainder of my years on this planet. I also had goals for 2024—hit some, missed some. I assure you that I entered 2024 with no idea what lay ahead, and I’m pretty certain I’ll be heading into the adventure of 2025 in the same way. Setting goals is biblically encouraged. Predicting how the year will unfold, however, is mostly a waste of time. If I could change some things, I would, but I can’t. Neither can you. To live with regrets or wish we could change past events is, at best, unproductive, and at worst, life-stealing. To learn from our past without dwelling on it is empowering. Knowing that God sovereignly works in and through all circumstances of our lives is freeing. Additionally, understanding that if we walk with Him in faith, then no matter what happens, He stands ready to use it to conform us to His image is a profound truth. If we’ve struggled outside His will, we can still find peace in the realization that, as we return to intimacy with Him, He will redeem everything from our past. That is phenomenal. So much so that many find it hard to believe and continue to live in a state of depression, regret, and defeat. Don’t allow that demon to burrow into your spirit. We don’t know what tomorrow will look like, but we know who does, and He can be trusted, regardless of how it looks from our narrow, limited view. Today, trust Him with your tomorrow. #BeTheEdge
“The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV