“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.”
49 years ago today I climbed on one of 12 greyhound buses in Miami Florida and headed to Gatlinburg Tn. with 400 other high school students. There we met up with 2000 others from around the SouthEast. I was getting out of town. I had done things I wasn’t excited about. I was looking for something, I didn’t know what, but I knew it needed to be different. The first night of the conference I heard Jay Kessler talk about me. He didn’t say my name but he was definitely locked in on my life. He asked if we ever thought about eternity and how long it was. He then wanted to know if we ever considered the reality of hell. Finally he wondered if we ever pictured ourselves in that situation. Now I know hell is not nice to talk about but he nailed the nightmares I had been battling the past few months. Finally he asked if we wanted to know how to avoid that future. I ran to the answer. That night, 49 years ago today, I surrendered my life and my eternity to the God who loved me and gave His Son to rescue me. I gladly wear the label of “the prudent” in this verse. I saw where I was headed and gladly received God’s redirection for my life and eternity. Today be aware of where He seeks to redirect your journey from danger to refuge in Him. #BeTheEdge
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.”Psalms 34:8 NIV