“Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds;”
If you are a leader and ever wanted a very clear verse to guide you there are certainly many in scripture. This however is certainly one of them. This verse talks about monitoring your people’s well being, primarily because you care for them but also because you know their value to your creator. A good pastor thinks this way. The members of his church are his flock, given to him to protect and see that they are well fed, growing and staying healthy. It is the same for bosses and leaders. Covid created a really difficult time nationally to hire and keep staff. I asked a close friend and one if the founders of “The Edge” ministry why he didn’t just sell his company and not fool with his 3000 people who were constantly turning over and had a huge variety of issues both personal and work related. His answer was powerful. He said because he loved his people. He did continue by saying if you don’t love them you better get out. Another one of our founders once told me that he has 600 employees but they represented about 2,400 members of their ministry. He felt God called him as the CEO to care not only for his employees but the 3 other members of the average family. This is truly a Biblical understanding of the role God gives each of us as leaders whether in families, friend groups or business. The word for “condition” in this verse is literally “face”. Knowing their face is to truly recognize them and to see when their countenance changes and indicates a need for deeper understanding of the current condition in their story. Today give specific attention to those under your care. #BeTheEdge
“not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”Philippians 2:4 NIV