“You will have plenty of goats’ milk to feed your family and to nourish your female servants.”
Dave Ramsey should love this verse. So should the wise business leader. It is about the results of good stewardship. Being aware of what you are responsible for, managing it well and sharing the rewards. In “The Edge Biblical Worldview” training stewarding what God has placed in our care is a critical element to influencing our company as well as the world for His Kingdom. Just the act of good stewardship shows an understanding and appreciation for the one who has entrusted us with that responsibility. In the book of Luke we see how we are not to just sit on or hide away the things God gives us to steward but we are to get it to work in the world around us and multiply it. Talents, finances, all the resources God entrusts to our care are to be wisely guided and invested in His Kingdom. As a parent we are called to recognize the unique gifting of our children and invest in the development of those God given areas. This will in turn allow them to grow and develop in area of impact in the community at large that can point a lost and hurting world to the Savior. Loving our children, employees and others involves helping them to flourish in their areas of giftedness. When you do this you both honor God and those in your influence. Everyone will be blessed in the end. Remember “God didn’t add another day to your life because you needed it. He did it because someone out there needs you!” Today know and encourage the God given gifts and talents in yourself and others. #BeTheEdge
“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thessalonians 5:11 NIV