“To show partiality is not good— yet a person will do wrong for a piece of bread.”
This verse is about delivering justice. Favoring one person or one side in an issue is exactly what the US legal systems blindfolded “Lady Justice” is supposed to stand against. Solomon lets us know in this verse that we are to do the same. God calls us to not favor anyone because of position, wealth or reputation. We are to treat everyone fairly and with the understanding that all of us are equal in the eyes of our Creator. The use of the phrase “a piece of bread” shows how little a corrupt judge or person is willing to be swayed by. An evil and unjust person can be swayed by next to nothing. Part of the lesson in this verse is the reality that preexisting biases, dislikes or judgments are easily awakened. Maybe you dislike something about a person. In the height of unfairness just a morsel of gossip can inflame those feelings that have been kept buried in our heart. It’s as if we were looking for a reason to justify our prejudices and biases. Justice demands a fair appraisal and justice is demanded of God’s followers. However, except for rare instances, justice is not ours to determine for others. God will handle that and He will be fair. Thankfully we avoid the justice we deserve because His Son took it on Himself for us. Today allow God to be the arbiter of justice. #BeTheEdge
“Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To their own master, servants stand or fall. And they will stand, for the Lord is able to make them stand.” Romans 14:4 NIV