“Discipline your children, and they will give you peace; they will bring you the delights you desire.”
Watching the parents of young children, including my grandkids, does not appear to results in much rest. Instead it can actually result in a long day of fussing. It is very tempting for a parent to just give in and let the child have what they want. They are happy, nice and allow for peace in the house. However, what Solomon is reminding us of is that even though we may find peace and rest elusive in the short run the depth of heartache when an undisciplined child grows into a teen or young adult far out weighs the discomfort of developing character and self control while they are young. Those raised to respect authority and behave civilly often mature to become good friends as they age. Those who attempt to be friends rather than parents for their young children set both the parent and child up for anxious and difficult futures. This verse reminds me of the story of the family raising a baby fox as a pet. When it’s older they release it in the wild to be a fox and it cannot survive. It lived a life without the consequences of learning to be a fox. Today allow God to build the lessons of firm loving discipline and positive struggles into the lives of family, friends and workers. #BeTheEdge
“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 NIV