“The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.”
A few years ago, I was visiting with a wealthy former professional athlete. He asked me what I was doing that day, and I told him I was headed to a particularly poor school where I was involved in ministry, delivering coats. It was the middle of winter, the temperatures were literally freezing, and these kids had been identified by the school staff as not owning a jacket. He immediately began to lecture me about how generational poverty was a curse and claimed that helping these kids would only perpetuate the curse. According to him, it was not God’s plan, and “these people” would only change through suffering. I was stunned, angry, and a bit disgusted. Since that day, I’ve avoided interacting with him beyond a polite hello. I have also continued to rally coats for kids over the years. A child freezing is not the solution to anything. The Savior told us that the way we treat “the least of these” is how we treat Him. Justice is a bigger issue than simply getting a cold child a coat, but that may be where it starts. Today, just do something. #BeTheEdge
“I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.” – Jesus