“those who are pure in their own eyes and yet are not cleansed of their filth;”
Other translations talk about a generation that believes they are pure in their own eyes. All people have a tendency to be self righteous to a point. However, some go beyond the usual and will declare themselves good. Recently a gentleman told me he would be in heaven because his “good” far outweighed his bad. This verse is a precursor to the truth in the New Testament that we are all sinners and our good works are so far away from God’s perfection that they are compared to filthy rags. No one is pure without being covered by the sacrifice for our sin by Jesus. We cannot cleanse ourselves and as just stated, our best effort comes up short. As with so much of the Christian life this too is a pass/fail situation. We are either pure because our sin was cleansed by the sacrifice made for our sin when Jesus became our sin for us and left us white as snow. Or we have not accepted Jesus purity for our own and we are filthy beyond our wildest imaginations. Today find your purity in Christ alone.#BeTheEdge
“As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one;” Romans 3:10 NIV