“a lion, mighty among beasts, who retreats before nothing;”
I love this picture. Bible ref speaks of the lion referred to in this verse this way, “Agur cites the lion as the most intimidating of animals. In the modern world, the term “apex predator” refers to an animal which is not hunted by any others. In general, lions don’t concede territory or food to other beasts. During the Old Testament era, lions were native to Canaan. Wise people take care to avoid these creatures.” I’ve heard Ken Davis speak about us as sheep who are weak and full of fear. However, he goes on to remind us of who we are when we connect our life with the all knowing and all powerful shepherd. He calls us Super Sheep. His implication is more of this apex predator which is intimidated and threatened by none. When we are filled with God’s Spirit we also should live in fear of no other living creatures, including those in the supernatural realms. Thats not just a biblical concept. It’s a reality. It’s critical to remember that apart from Christ we are weak and defenseless, which should keep us very humble. However, it is also critical to remember nothing could be further from that than the person we become when we are in Christ. Today live with the confidence of the ultimate Apex predator. #BeTheEdge
“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 8:38-39 NIV