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Proverbs 31:28 NIV

By April 29, 2024No Comments

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:”

After witnessing a life of virtue and excellence by the proverbs 31 woman, her children and her husband heap praise on her. Recently in a small group that I’m a part of we talked about what would go on our tombstones. We chuckled at the one that actually exists that just reads, “I told you I was sick“. In a more serious vein, someone shared that they would like theirs to read. “well done, good and faithful servant“. Scripture tells the story of a man going on a journey and leaves His servants with a task. When it’s completed well he tells the servants what God will say to those of us who served His Kingdom well with our life. God will say to his faithful servants on the day they stand before him “Well done.”. I know many men and women that if I were to stand and speak at their memorial service I would heap praise and blessing on their name for how they represented our king in their life. Many were tremendous blessings in my life directly. Early in my life, I had a desire for my children to grow up and see me as a person who loved them deeply and was fun. Now my desire is to be known as one who loved Jesus and was kind. In the end, all that ultimately matters is what the guys in our small group expressed, what will God say when this life is done and we stand before Him, for truly He knows our core and who we are. To that end, “well done good and faithful servant” is a great thing to aspire to. Today, love Jesus and be kind. #BeTheEdge #LoveJesusBeKind

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’” Jesus

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