“For the Lord detests the perverse but takes the upright into his confidence.”
It can be kind of cool when someone shares something personal with you. It shows they trust you and perhaps even want your counsel. Well, how much greater, as Solomon tells us, when God does. He reveals to those who walk faithfully with him His truth and His plans through his word and his spirit. He also shares many of his secrets at work in the universe. Now that’s cool. In this verse the perverse people he is referring to are literally the difficult and unreasonable people in this world. We are told he detests them or more specifically that he hates them. The truth of his word is hidden from them. Until they repent and come before him humbly they walk in darkness. As so often happens in the Proverbs we see the clear distinction between those who ignore God and those who love Him. The one group walked in darkness and ignorance, while the other is invited in to the most profound secrets of the spiritual world, the kingdom of God. There are many people in positions of power within government, academia, and other areas of society who truly believe only they are in the know. Realizing that we serve an omniscient, all knowing God, and he shares the only secrets that matter with his children is humbling. Walk in the wisdom He has giving. #BeTheEdge
“For in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed—a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”” Romans 1:17 NIV