“Let beer be for those who are perishing, wine for those who are in anguish!”
My Southern Baptist ordination tells me I have no idea. My other denomination childhood totally affirms it. Let’s say I’m not really sure, but as a non-drinker for social and physical reasons, I’m not sure my take is entirely fair. Jamison says, “The proper use of such drinks is to restore tone to feeble bodies and depressed minds.” Maybe so. The kind women of the day would create a mixture to give to those awaiting the death penalty that would dull their sense of pain and anguish. That was compassionate. Even Jesus was offered this while dying on the cross. He refused it so as to remain fully in His right mind while becoming the sacrifice for our sin. In those days, they gave a glass of wine to mourners and also encouraged it for the depressed. I will confess that although I have no problem with alcohol used wisely and without getting drunk, I am thankful that through Jesus, we are offered the indwelling Holy Spirit to remedy all these things. For the dying, we have amazing pain medications that, when used correctly, are a gift from God as well. Today, use the things God approves wisely and find real joy and relief in Him. #BeTheEdge
“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit,” Ephesians 5:18 NIV