“Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you.”
This is the verse for the innocent victim. In this passage, among other things, Solomon is telling us not to assign motives to our neighbors requests regardless of the legitimacy of their request. We are seldom 100% accurate in judging our own motives let alone someone else’s. Too often some have missed the opportunity to bless another because of misreading their motives or needs. The translation of trustfully in this use is without care or concern. This neighbor has no concern, lives at peace, believing their neighbor shares their best interests. Today some would consider that a foolish way to live. It’s how I live. I believe my neighbors always share a deep and God given concern for each other. It’s a reason the idea of moving is far from my thoughts. Jesus throws this truth wide open when he clearly defines, redefined, the word neighbor. Unlike in Solomon’s day neighbors in our world of travel, communication and media has been greatly enlarged as well. These two together elevate our responsibility to our neighbor to an almost endless level. It certainly encompasses our community. Today love your neighbor and look out for one another. #BeTheEdge #LoveJesusBeKind
“The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”” Jesus