“Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart.”
I don’t believe there are any better words for marriage than these two. God’s interactions with us are best seen in these two worlds as well. I remember the days when divorce was rare and not seen as an option by most Christians. The old saying was, “murder, yes; divorce, no way.” It may not be as clever in today’s world, but the core truth remains. Divorce was taken off the table at the wedding ceremony and never again even glanced at. The breakdown seems to have its roots in the selfish message of the church in the ’70s and ’80s. In those decades, confusion entered the church in a big way with the widespread teaching that God wants you to be happy more than anything else. That has never been His top goal for our lives. If we think His priority is our happiness, it’s a small step to believe He wants whatever makes us unhappy removed from our lives. Do you see the problem? Back in the day, if a spouse made you unhappy, you would pray for and seek solutions. Ultimately, if they were not found, you would offer it as a sacrifice to the Lord. Some theologians believe Paul’s thorn was his wife. I doubt it. Thankfully, God does not work that way. In Timothy, we see that even when we are unfaithful, He remains faithful. Today, live in love and faithfulness and watch God be God. #BeTheEdge
“if we are faithless, he remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself.” 2 Timothy 2:13 NIV